The population of the world is ever increasing at an exponential. The available real estate market is becoming stretched in demand as more people seek to settle down and raise families. There is also an increase in short term apartment lease for travels, visiting nurses, tourists, and hotel alternatives.
The real estate sector of our portfolio is a diverse and very promising. It comprises of renovation of buildings apartments, Rental apartment buildings for short and long term stay, crowdfunding for purchase of prime real estate ( directly and indirectly) , affordable housing estate projects for rent-to-own apartments.
LifeGuide real estate interest and investment has grown successfully overtime and so far we have established Satellite towns across the USA. We recently partnered with Tesla and SpaceX to create and design a new Satellite town in Texas that will oversee the housing needs of SpaceX and tesla employees. This is one of our many partnerships LifeGuide Incorporation.
How We Invest In Real Estate
Real Estate makes up a 30.5% of our portfolio. In the last 5 years, prices of buildings we own and manage grew by over 41%. we own and manage building, renovate and facelift undervalued properties. We also allow for direct pool funding to own properties and help our clients become landlords.Face-lifting and Renovation:
LifeGuide Incorporation, we buy listed/damaged houses at a fraction of the supposed price after professional valuation. This valuation is usually carried out by estate surveyors and home inspection officers and property valuators to determine the actual worth of these buildings before the are purchased. They also determine the post renovation price to decide if it is worth it
In 2021, we acquired over Fifty (50) undervalued properties across the the United states and Europe which were renovated and relisted for an average of 50% more than the purchase value. Some of these properties were sold and others were converted to apartments for short and long term leases.
Leasing/Renting out programs constitute of enlisting renovated or acquired buildings, apartments buildings for visiting tourists, or those in need of a simple getaway. We operate, own and manage cabins across remote islands, water front apartments and fully furnished residential apartments. Our leasing project comprises of short term leases and long term leases with different goals and objectives.
Short term leasing program is focused on providing temporary accommodation solution for those in need of an apartment. These include travelling nurses, visiting doctors, tourists, etc. Our short term lease apartments comprises of lake side and beach front cabins, furnished studio apartments, one bed and two bed apartments. They are listed on zillow, airbnb, etc.
To ensure all year round occupancy, We advertise and market these apartments at airports, booking websites, medical community and tourism platforms. The leasing period is usally between 1 day to 12 months
LifeGuide long term lease is a special leasing program with rent-to-own option. This means after renting for at least 10 years, our tenants can choose to pay a fraction of the cost of the building for full ownership of the apartment. The aim is to preserve memories and also help families own properties after renting the properties for at least 10 years with a slightly raised but subsidized rate. Our rent to own programs are located in our satellite towns, and apartment buildings.
We currently own apartment buildings and upcoming satellite towns across Montana, New york, California, Texas and Washington. We own and manage apartment buildings, warehouses, etc. Our Investors earn dividends via monthly/annual rents.
Direct Pool Funding:
Direct pool funding is a program where interested investors are notified of a prime real estate they can fund directly and own jointly. Rather than being a part of the real estate mutual fund, selected few high end clients are notified of an opening to become a part of a direct pool funding for purchase of prime real estate.
After a property is spotted, our team of both internal and external estate valuators, determine the value of the project, these selected investors are notified of the opportunity to directly fund the renovation and purchase of the property.
The investors pool can choose to rent it out and earn rent or resell the property for a higher value. This profit goes to the clients directly and LifeGuide earns 2% of the profit gained.
you can be added to the list by entering your email to join the exclusive mail list to be notified when there is a new property to be pool funded.
Housing Programs and Satellite Towns
We fund research, and development of sustainable housing programs.
We facilitate creating mass and affordable housing programs with a comprehensive payment plan that can be paid financially or in income deductible .
A major goal of our affordable housing scheme is to reduce the homelessness percentage in the country. We provide housing for homeless people after (rehabilitation if need be), after which we train them to acquire relevant skills and provide them with job opportunities. We then deduct the cost of the housing from their earnings over time. Our motivation is to invest in both properties and humans for the development of our society.
LifeGuide Real Estate Mutual Fund is one of the most stable and profitable mutual funds. Since inception, it has done over 450% YTD. The SREMF is currently worth 800million dollars and it has been growing ever since. It has an average annual growth of 17.3%.
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