The Future is Certain: Lets Make Yours Too

LifeGuide investment philosophy is human centered and future oriented.

We invest in the future for your future and for the sustainability of future of the human society.

As a future focused, we invest in future solutions that helps make the world a better place, Improve the quality of lives of humans and ultimately earn dividends for our Clientele. We have a diversified portfolio consisting of vital areas of human existence and the future of our world as we advance as a race. These include eco-friendly investment and human advancement.

Securing your future is our primary Goal

Proven and dedicated strategies to ensure a future of happiness and free from financial worries

Artificial Intelligence: The Future

Artificial intelligence is an exciting and promising field of the future. It involves replacing traditional human roles with machines and robots. Many are scared of it replacing human jobs, you can earn from it instead.

How We Invest In Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence is a very pivotal part of our investment portfolio. Artificial intelligence makes up 35% of our investment portfolio. Last year LifeGuide Artificial Intelligence Mutual Fund recorded a 42% increase in volume and 12% profit...

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Green (Renewable) Energy

As the world is moving away from fossils fuels (crude oil, coal etc) and moving towards renewable energy, such as Wind, Solar, and Hydropower , We have significantly Invested in Wind farms, Solarpanels Manufacturirng, in dams across North America and Europe. Our Vision is providing electricity for everyone of the 8 billion people across the world while earning return on investment for our investors.

How We Invest In Green (Renewable) Energy Green Energy solutions makes up 22.32% of our portfolio. Last year we earned a gross $400m+ from profits of sales of solarsheets, panels, mining of lithium for batteries and ...


Biodegradable Plastics

Everyday thousands of tonnes of pollutants single use plastics are channelled into the ocean. Marine lives and earth as a whole are constantly at a the mercy of human from the massive waste and ecological disaster caused by Plastics LifeGuide Incorporation, Rather than just activism, We have taken a step further in the securing of our planet. We have actively invested in biodegradable plastics and Eco-friendly Energy Solutions.

How We Invest In Biodegradable Plastics
We invest in biodegradable plastics. Last year we recorded replacement an all time sales a record of biodegradable plastics from 15,000 tonnes to 21,000 tonnes. We sponsor ocean clean up campaigns aimed at removing plastic waste from the ocean and upcycle, recycle and...


Social Media and Entertainment:

Social Media and Modern day personalised entertainment has come to become a pivotal area of our lives. More than half the population of the earth is on at least one social media. It is a gold mine for data and income generation and the future.

How We Invest In Social Media and Entertainment: We Invest in social Media and Entertainment via a range of mediums that involves digital marketing, cookie extraction, . We own significant stakes in these corporations , sponsor Content Creators, etc



In 1972, the population of earth was estimated to be around 3.3 billion humans. Today, the population of humans sits at 7.76 billion humans. This is more than a 100% increase in 50 years. This also means a 100% increase in the consumption and demand of agricultural products.

How We Invest In Artificial Intelligence (AI)
LifeGuide Incorporation, our investment in Agriculture focuses on investing in value based/Luxurious high in demand products like cavier, Iberian ham, Tuna, etc Agriculture makes up 19.45% of our portfolio. Our investment spans funding of livestock farms, Palm/Coconut Plantations, Cashcrops , Investment in bio-pesticides ...


Real Estate and Housing Programs

IWith the growth in population, The need for affordable housing has greatly increased as more people seek to settle down and raise families. This has caused the price of scarcely available real estate to soar and the absence of affordable housing solutions.

How We Invest In Real Estate & Housing Programs
Real Estate makes up a 30.5% of our portfolio. In the last 5 years, prices of buildings we own and manage grew by over 41%. we own and manage building, renovate and facelift undervalued properties. We also allow for direct pool funding to own properties and help our clients become landlords.
