Biodegradable plastics and Eco-friendly Plastic Solution

Every day, tonnes of pollutants in form of single use plastics are channeled into the ocean. Marine lives and earth as a whole are constantly at the mercy of the consequences of our actions as humans especially the massive waste and ecological disaster caused by Plastics

At LifeGuide Incorporation, Rather than just activism, We have taken a step further in the securing of our planet. We have actively invested in biodegradable plastics and Eco-friendly Energy Solutions.

Together with our team of concerned partners and passionate investors, we have replaced 0.7% of the daily plastic waste.

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Traditional plastics remain undecayed for at least 500 years but the new innovative Eco-friendly organic plastics that we invest in, decompose within 1-2 years after use. We are ardently saving earth and our future through our numerous investments in medical bioplastics, industrial plastics application, recycling, upcycling, etc.

How We Invest In Plastic Recycling

FIrstly we sponsor ocean clean up campaigns aimed at removing plasctic waste from the ocean, we then upcycle , recycle and convert these extracted plactics into useful consumer products. Majority of our investment in the plastic industries is the investment in biodegradable plasatics. Last year we recorded an all time sales a record of biodegradable plastics from the previous 15,000 tonnes to 21,000 tonnes per month.

Plastic Recycling:

After Organising clean up outreaches, we repurpose the plastics recovered into consumer goods. LifeGuide Incorporation actively funds using recovered PET bottles to manufacture sneakers with half a deacade warranty. Last year, we manufactured 300,0000 shoes that 80% was retailed across europe via OEM manufacturing and 20% distributed to rural and less oppurtuned rural dwellers in Africa, Asia and Middles east.

BioPlastic Production:

Biodegradable plastics are a type of plastic that is derived from organic materials like bamboo, corn stark, etc. They can replace synthetic plastics. Biodegradable plastic have an after-use lifespan of 1-2 years before they decompose like organic matter.

Part of LifeGuide Incorporation Bioplastic investment Portfolio is biodegradable plastics manufacturing used in for medical purposes, {with growing orders from phamacitical giants like pfizer and Moderna), We also cater to Industrial uses and domestic use.

Since inception we have globally faciitated the replacement of 0.7% of synthethic plastics with eco-friendly plastics. We are projected to replace 10% of global plastics with biodegradable alternative by 2035. Slowly but surely LifeGuide Incorporation and her Partners will completely replace Synthetic plastic production and save our ecosystem from further environmental Degradation.

Research funding and Finance:

LifeGuide Incorporation funds further research in more In-demand ways to recycle plastics. Part of this expedition is funding of pyrolysis research (conversion of plastic into DIesel). We also fund independent researchers and patent breakthroughs. LifeGuide Incorporation Plastic Recycling Mutual Fund (PRMF) consists of a collective pool of all earnings from plastics recycling, uppscaling, BioPLastic Production and resources/earnings. PRMF is currentlly worth $303million with a quaterly increase of 9.2%

As part of securing the future of our Clients, clients that have invested with us and transact at least 50,000 annually for over 5 years can choose to have their mortgage, student loan or credit card debt paid off. They can also choose the option of a 2 bedroom apartment in any of our Satellite towns

Biodegradable Plastics and Eco-friendly plastic solution is not just a huge market to be explored but a dire need to prevent the complete saturation of the ocean with human plastic waste which is detrimental to marine life and the future of the earth. Biodegradable Plastics and Eco-friendly plastic solution (LBPAMF) is a combination of all our different fronts in our fight against traditional harmful plastic related investment . Since Inception, the LBPAMF has been profitable with a 600% increase in value YTD.
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